Our July StreamerSquare Feature:
Meet RGC [He/Him], short for RetroGameCommander – founder of the TheMegaMeowMilitia or Mega Meow! This month we wanted to highlight his content and experiences as a creator to share with you.👋
“How would you describe yourself and your content?“
RGC: “I am a retro video game streamer (from Québec) with a passion for collecting old consoles, who loves authenticity and I try to only use original consoles. I also have the intention of experimenting with retro game speedruns.
🎙️1st Language: French
🎮Video Game Collector
⌚️New Speedrunner
🦸Specialist of Comics
💙Spondylitis Warrior
👾8-Bit Dojo Blogger
🐈The Mega Meow Militia Founder”
“What is your favorite part of being a content creator?“
RGC: “Sharing my love for retro gaming with people. Breaking my gaming skill limits constantly in speedruns. Raising money for worthy causes (like cats in need).”
“What has been the most memorable/impactful experience being a creator so far?“
RGC: “Raising about $4,500 USD for cat shelters as of now!”
Looking to raise fund for a special cause? StreamerSquare has a FREE course on Charity to help you get started! Learn how to run successful charity events with tips on picking your fundraiser, marketing, organizing and much more.
“How does your identity play a role in the content you’re making and the community you’re building?“
RGC: “My identity is reflected in the people that became my tribe: compassionate and passionate.”
“What challenges have you faced as a creator and how do you work through those challenges?“
RGC: “Playing [retro games] on original hardware [for speedruns and challenges] requires a costly setup; I had to save and had to remain patient. I just upgraded my console streaming setup to “component” instead of “composite” for SNES, Genesis/Mega Drive, PS1, PS2, GameCube and Wii. My NES has also been modded to component.”
“Do you have any advice for other creators?“
RGC: “Diversifying the platforms you make content for.”
“One day, my cat fundraiser will be the most well known in the world. So few people actually raise money [for] animals… and it has to change. I will be their voice. If I can make it to Twitch and YouTube partner, I will do my best to be worthy of such an honor.” – RGC
Looking to Support RetroGameCommander AKA TheMegaMeowMilitia?
⬇️⬇️Check Out His Links Below! ⬇️⬇️
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