Tag: Twitch updates

Twitch Introduces Tags and Expands on IRL/Creative Categories

Twitch Breaks Down IRL & Creative Categories

Twitch Updates Affiliate Sub Badges and Payout Period

New Twitch Analytics Page Overview

Twitch Updates: Rooms, Clip Champs, New Bit Badges, and More

Twitch Updates Community Guidelines

Twitch Releases Justin.tv Usernames

Twitch Releases Raid Feature

Twitch Subscription Landing Page Gets a Revamp

Twitch Unveils “Extensions” and API Improvements

Twitch Acquisition, Bits, and Stats, Oh My!

Improvements to Twitch’s Vodcast Feature

Twitch Communities Update: Stream to Multiple Communities

Twitch Stats Receives Major Facelift

Twitch Releases Vodcast

Twitch Begins Beta Testing New Interactive Features

Twitch Announces Affiliate Program

New Subscription Tiers Coming to Twitch

Introducing Pulse, a New Sharing Option from Twitch

Twitch Revamps Notifications