The Razer Seiren Pro is the upgraded version of Razer’s flagship professional grade microphone. It will run you about $250-$350 depending on your location. It has everything the regular Seiren has as well a couple of additional features.
Additional Features of the Seiren Pro
- A High Pass Filter: Switching this on by pushing the button on the bottom of the microphone will help filter out frequencies under 100Hz. This can help deal with low sounds such as a truck rumbling by your house or possibly you bumping the desk. People with very deep voices may gain some clarity through this as well.
- XLR Capability: This allows you to plug the microphone into your audio interface or mixer via XLR cables. Razer supplies you with a 5 Pin to Split 3 pin XLR Cable but be warned, if you have a single mic input you won’t be able to use XLR capabilities. I ran into this problem as my audio interface (Focusrite Scarlett Solo) only comes with one mic input. You need 2 XLR Mic inputs as well as making sure your mixer or audio interface has 48v phantom power to both inputs.
- 3.5mm Audio Extension Cable: This is nice to give you that extra bit of reach if you need it for your headphones or other audio devices.
While not necessarily the main feature, the Pro version is also more sensitive at 12.5 millivolts per Pascal over the non-Pro’s 4.5 millivolts per Pascal. In laymen terms, the Pro version will pick up quieter noises but also works well if you happen to have weak vocals.
For those unfamiliar with the Razer Seiren Pro and would like to know more, here is what the technical specifications are:

- XLR Capability: Having XLR capability in addition to USB means it can work in a variety of situations. You’ll also have more control over your audio. Lastly, because you’ll have an audio interface or mixer to use the XLR setup, if you decide to upgrade your microphone you can do it without breaking the bank as you’ll already have your audio interface/mixer ready to go! To re-iterate though, make sure you have an audio interface/mixer that has two Mic inputs and 48v phantom power.
- Recording patterns: There are many ways to create content thanks to the different recording patterns. Additionally, all of them record at a high quality:
- Cardioid: Will be the most applicable recording pattern for streamers, recording the most sound in a heart shaped pattern in FRONT of the microphone.
- Omni-directional: Records ALL AROUND the microphone. Good for Roleplay/D&D streams or multiple people in the room.
- Bi-directional: Records from the FRONT and BACK. Good for interviews or vocal duets.
- Stereo: Records from the SIDES and FRONT. Also differentiates between left/right channels. Good for vocals + instruments.
- Physical knobs/buttons: Having physical knobs to adjust headphone volume, mic gain, and recording patterns can be nice feedback. Additionally, a mute button on the mic means a quick and accessible way to mute.
- Good build quality: Both the microphone itself, cords, and stand all feel solid and not cheap.
- High-pass filter: A nice easy way to filter out frequencies below 100Hz which can clean up audio. No need to mess with software to achieve the same effect.
- Size: One of the largest and heaviest microphones out there. Can be tough to attach to a weak mic arm/stand. This can also pose a problem for streamers with webcams as it can be difficult to position it where it is out of your view but also out of the way of to not block your face from the webcam.
- Input placement: Individual results may vary but I had trouble using it with my microphone arm (Rode PSA-1). Unless you screw it in perfectly, the mic arm can potentially block the inputs so you can’t plug anything in.
- XLR Incompatibility: Razer does not advertise on their website the XLR cable it comes with is a split cable (they just say it’s a 5-pin). Because of the amount of recording patterns on the microphone it requires 2 microphone inputs on the audio interface/mixer. For people like me who have entry level audio interfaces (ie. Focusrite Scarlett Solo); many only come with one input.
- Lack of accessories: For $250+ dollars I would hope for some nice extras included such as a traveling case due to the size of the mic and also a shock mount but they’re sold separately. If you want a shock mount and traveling case it will run you an additional ~$100 for both (~$50 for each).
Razer has developed a microphone that has many bells and whistles to attract new streamers to purchasing their product. For the content creator who can utilize ALL or MOST of the recording patterns to a good extent, this may be a good microphone since the sound quality is nice in all the different patterns. However, for a streamer who will likely only be using Cardioid for 99% of the time, this is an oversized microphone that will end up costing you lots of money just for the extra features you don’t need without providing better audio.
This is further emphasized if you plan on using the XLR setup since almost all audio interfaces/mixers come with microphone gain knobs as well as headphone feedback capability anyways. Not to mention there’s a mute mic hotkey in streaming programs. This means there is zero use for the extra knobs/mute button on the Razer Seiren Pro which you end up paying for.
The size is also a major downside to me as it’s bulky and just gets in the way as a streamer. Whether it’s using the stand on your desk or you’re trying to use it with a mic arm/stand; you’ll encounter issues.
To compare, I use a Focusrite Scarlett Solo Audio Interface with an AT2035 (Audio Technica) XLR Microphone. Combined, this costs the SAME as the Razer Seiren Pro. Additionally, the AT2035 also comes with BOTH a shock mount and traveling case at no extra cost. In my opinion, I feel it also sounds better for my voice (and isn’t that the whole point of the microphone?).
In conclusion, you should always do your research when looking to upgrade your audio setup. Do the little bit of research to find what works best for your voice, environment, wallet, and that will give you the most room to upgrade in the future (*cough* XLR not USB *cough*). The Razer Seiren Pro is definitely not a BAD microphone, but I guarantee with just a bit of research you can find something that fits YOU and your stream better at an equal or lower cost.
Disclaimer: Razer provided StreamerSquare the reviewed product. Post contains affiliate links.