Discord Releases API

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Discord announced the launch of their official API earlier today, giving users and streamers the platform to be able to take their discord servers to the next level. Those interested have access to  documentation, application support, bot users and basic OAuth. In the future a full API will be released, no date as of yet, and will include the following features:

  • Outgoing webhooks and incoming webhooks.
  • Slash commands with autocomplete.
  • Granular OAuth.
  • Built-In Integrations.

Click here to view the API Page

In addition to the API, todays patch also saw the release of an Emoji picker and more emojis, giving users a nifty window to to cycle through all the emojis available to them. As well as improvements to perfomance, stability, sounds, overlay functionality, compact mode and animations. A full changelog can be found here.

If you are not sure what Discord is or are unsure of whether you should setup a Discord server for your community, be sure to check out this article detailing all the benifits! Also, feel free to join the StreamerSquare Discord Server; connect with other streamers, converse with industry representitives and create new friendships.

Source: Discord Blog

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