While certainly far from the end-game of streaming, becoming a Partner on your favorite streaming platform can provide additional sources of revenue and help to validate your channel. While some streaming sites have very low requirements, being a Partner never guarantees you success. A growing following, entertaining personality, and quality broadcast are just a few other neccessities to being a successful streamer. But, we’ll save that talk for another time. Here, we’ll list the requirements and benefits for becoming a partner on popular streaming sites including Twitch, Hitbox, Beam, and YouTube Gaming.
By far the hardest streaming site to get partnered on. Many exceptions are made to the 500 concurrent viewer average rule, so long as the streamer has many other features listed in their application that make their channel standout.
- 500 concurrent viewer average
- Streaming at least three times per week
- Content conforms to ToS and DMCA Guidelines
- Subscribe button
- Split between streamer and Twitch is disclosed in the contract
- Ability to run advertisements
- Sell Teespring shirts with the Twitch logo
- Emotes (tier unlocks based on number of subscribers)
- Sub icon
- Ability to enable subscriber-only chat
- Transcoding options
- Partner support
- Add a delay to your cast
- Teespring Twitch campaigns
Source: Twitch Partner Program
There are three partnership types on Hitbox: Partner, Team Partnership, and Exclusive Partnership.
- There is no application. Simply submit your billing information. You must be at least 18 years old with a verified Paypal account in order to monetize.
- Subscribe button (50/50 split between streamer and Hitbox)
- Ability to run advertisements.
- 15 emote slots
- Sub icon
- Non-exclusive contract (can stream on other platforms)
- Ability to upload videos
- Ability to download stream recordings/highlights
Team Partner
Similar to the Partner program but designed for teams of 4+ members each with a combined 100 concurrent viewer minimum.
Exclusive Partner
- 100 concurrent viewer minimum
- Streaming at least three days a week
- Exclusivity to Hitbox
- Subscribe button
- Ability to run ads
- Revenue share determined in contract
- 15 emote slots
- Sub icon
- Transcoding options
- Ability to upload and download your videos
- Direct contact with a Hitbox team member for support
Hitbox Exclusive Partnership Application
Source: Hitbox Help Center
- 300+ followers with 35+ average viewers
- 720p resolution minimum
- Webcam preferred
- Consistency (streaming at least 3-5 times per week)
- Community interaction
- Professionalism and unique channel branding
- Subscribe button
- Abilitiy to run ads
- Emote slots
- Sub icon
- Additional transcoding options
- Priority support
- Testing of new features
- Private partner forum and chat room
- Beam Pro subscription
- Beam swag
Source: Beam Partner Questions
YouTube Gaming
Information about a partnership-type system on YouTube Gaming has been difficult to find. Recently, a YouTube Sponsor system has been released in Beta.
- Currently in Beta. Invite-only.
- Sponsor button
- $3.99/month for the viewer
- Split between streamer and YouTube unknown
- Sponsor icon (not custom)
- Sponsor only chats
We’ll be keeping this post up to date with the latest streaming site partnership information. Are we missing something? Contact us!
Last Update: March 31, 2016