Yesterday evening, Variety posted that based on sources, Youtube is planning to acquire Twitch for $1 billion. This sparked an explosion in the Twittersphere, here are some of the reactions:
Some people got some press, and probably an influx of panicked questions…
Things I know: I was used in the @USATODAY article about Twitch being bought. Things I don’t know: If Twitch is being bought. Sorry guys <3
— Cohh (@CohhCarnage) May 18, 2014
Some were optimistic about the potential acquisition…
YouTube buying Twitch solves both companies major problems. YT now has a live gaming audience and Twitch can now effectively sell ads — gootecks (@gootecks) May 18, 2014
All in all… at least they couldn’t possibly make Twitch chat any worse. — Oshi7 (@OshiSeven) May 18, 2014
So what are we going to call it? Youtwitch? Twitube? I look forward to put kappa emotes on YouTube comments — BraveSirCheeto (@BraveSirCheeto) May 18, 2014
The validity of the article was questioned…
For those asking about the story today, Twitch doesn’t comment on rumors. — Chase (@ChasejustChase) May 18, 2014
Yea if @MLG makes the right moves they can be in the path of @Twitch and it’s video game streaming success. — (@G4M3RxG0D) May 18, 2014
Google has a track record of buying up companies, incorporating their tech and then shutting them down. Could be the end of Twitch. — Richard Stanway (@R1CH_TL) May 18, 2014
When Variety isn’t sniffing around trying to get upskirts of Lindsay Lohan they make up bullshit articles for web traffic. — Beardly McBeardson (@EatMyDiction1) May 18, 2014
Twitch probably makes $1 billion when League of Legends champs are going on, what makes you think they’d sell it for that? Like pls. — Renée Reynosa (@lolrenaynay) May 18, 2014
Calm. Down. Sheesh. — Lorg (@Lorg_) May 18, 2014
Some people still missed the point. If you think twitch is worth only 1 billion dollars you are crazy. — Matt McKnight (@LethalFrag) May 19, 2014
Many people were unfavorable towards YouTube buying Twitch…
Overall Thoughts on this @youtube @twitch buyout nonsense… NEGATIVE feels due to some of youtube’s copyright policy. Competition > buyout — AgentNorth (@AgentNorthTV) May 18, 2014
If Twitch makes this move, then Goodbye Twitch for MANY people. This is also including myself. — Eric M. (@KingOfGaems) May 18, 2014
So Google basically has a monopoly on videos and streaming now. Wow. — Sean Clanton (@sean_clanton) May 18, 2014
@TwitchBrotatoe Hope it’s not true, tired of the mad-grab game all the major players are doing lately. You don’t need to own all the things! — Underinspired (@Under_Inspired) May 18, 2014
I pray that YouTube buying twitch is not true — Dan (@Dansgaming) May 18, 2014
Hitbox here I come….. — David (@Wyattearp1989) May 18, 2014
Thankfully some Tweeters provided some comic relief…
inb4 people start blaming youtube for the delay on twitch — Dandre (@idkSienz) May 18, 2014
For $1bn YouTube could have bought half of Red Lobster. That’s the direction I would have gone. — Gary Whitta (@garywhitta) May 18, 2014
@Arawulf Nothing but royalty free music on Twitch here in the future 😛 — Blankspace (@realblankspace) May 18, 2014
“You know what would make Twitch better? FORCED GOOGLE+ INTEGRATION” said nobody ever. Well…. except Google+ — Oliver Age 24 (@OliverAge24) May 18, 2014
Twitch Plays [This stream is no longer available due to a copyright claim] — Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) May 18, 2014
if “billion” is a typo for “trillion”, then that seems about right — Danny Baranowsky (@dannyBstyle) May 18, 2014
“I’m moving to Hitbox” is the new “I’m moving to Canada” — Ryan Letourneau (@NorthernlionLP) May 18, 2014
Google/YouTube buying Twitch means the NSA will finally find out that most of us suck at Spelunky. — Fork Parker (@ForkParker) May 18, 2014
And some started the YouTube-Twitch merger early…
Sorry but i couldnt resist… — Julia Cassian (@Julia_CaSsian) May 18, 2014
Lol I had to — Matt Zagursky (@Sevadus) May 19, 2014
I’m betting this is what we’ll be seeing come friday.. — Sattelizer (@SattelizerGames) May 19, 2014
Overall, the news sparked a negative reaction from streamers and viewers alike. The news has yet to be confirmed and it still has to pass through the Justice Department’s anti-competitive evaluation, but if this happens expect Twitch to change.