Twitch Friends Invite-Only Beta is Here!


Twitch just sent out the first wave of invites to the Friends list Beta program, which aims to make whispering your friends on Twitch easier than ever before. Finding, adding and connecting with your friends could not be simpler, just use the search bar at the top of the Friends list. Twitch has also provided you with a recommended list of friends, based on who you have interacted with the most. Now the cool thing is, if your friend doesn’t currently have access to the beta, if you send them a request it invites them to the beta! So, you needn’t fret if you don’t have access just yet, eventually almost everyone will have access to the friendslist through the power of viral sharing. Currently the friendslist has a maximum of 500 friends.

Once you have added a friend you will be able to see when they are online and easily send them whispers, no matter where they are on Twitch. However, if you do not wish to be disturbed and don’t want to appear as online, you can set yourself as Invisible by clicking your status at the bottom of the Friends list. Twitch created these video showcasing the ease and simplicity of the friendslist:



Source: Twitch Blog

For further information on the Friendslist visit the Twitch Education Portal

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