Streamlabs has gotten several major updates today to improve the site’s functionality and pave the way for new features being added every single month in 2017.
Redesigned Dashboard
The Streamlabs dashboard has gotten a major facelift. Today, Streamlabs moves forward with a brand new sleek redesign that carries a fresh feel with clearer navigation, and a backend rewrite that’ll make it easier for the implementation of new features in the future. Let’s take a look at some of the changes.

Darkmode is now available for the website by flicking the switch in the top right corner.
Donation Goal
The donation goal used to require visiting two different pages to setup, it is now nicely combined onto one page.
 All-Stars Program
Streamlabs is opening a new Partner program for both Twitch and YouTube streamers that use their services. This exclusive program provides a bunch of cool perks including:
- An official All-Stars hoodie
- Free game keys
- Early access to new Streamlabs features
- Private All-Stars Discord server with fast user support
- Priority access to sponsors
- And more on the way
All-Stars Requirements
- Must be using Streamlabs
- Currently works with Twitch and YouTube live content creators
- Average 2+ streams weekly
- Have a following of around 15,000+
- Have on average 100 concurrent viewers
Note that these requirements are subject to change and exceptions can be made. To apply to the Streamlabs All-Stars Partner program, visit your Dashboard -> In The Labs -> All-Stars.
Shared Access
Coming in the next few days, you will be able to designate Moderators and Administrators to help monitor all alerts and on-screen messages before they appear on stream. This can be useful in helping keep unwanted content from popping up on your stream, such as inappropriate songs or language. Shared Access will be found under the My Account section of your Dashboard. From here, you’ll be able to send invites and manage your roles. Moderators will have limited access while Administrators are granted full access, so be careful with who you invite to help manage your Streamlabs alerts.
Additional YouTube Live Support
Streaming over at YouTube Live? You can now utilize Stream Labels to display top or recent supporters and other data on your stream. To start using this tool, click on Stream Labels under the Widgets section of your Streamlabs Dashboard.
For the full scoop, head over to the Streamlabs blog.