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Twitch Partner Cheermotes


A little while ago, Twitch introduced Cheermotes, a bits tipping system that animates your favorite emotes like Kreygasm, SwiftRage, and Kappa. The lower bit animations were simple movements while the higher bit ones were displays of glory. Today, Twitch is taking that idea further in allowing Partners to bring their own custom Cheermotes to the channel!

Twitch Cheermotes

These animated emotes are submitted as 112×112 pixel GIFs and contain five tiers (1, 100, 1000, 5000, and 10000). Your Cheermotes do not have to be related to each other. Partners are limited toTwitch Cheermote Settings one set of custom Cheermotes and they are exclusive to that channel. To add your custom Cheermotes, head to your Dashboard -> Partner Settings -> Custom Cheermote. All Cheermotesmust follow the standard rules of content, so no nudity, obscene content, drugs, derogatory words/images, or violations of any parties contract with the channel. Twitch has provided a simple guide to uploading, along with the full set of rules and requirements here. Make sure to read it over before uploading to ensure that your Cheermote fits into the safe category.

Once you upload your Cheermotes, you can select Advanced Settings to further tweak your images and preview dark mode and static shots.

Twitch has also provided a wonderful link to help you find artists to design these Cheermotes. Lots of great artists out there so give the list a look if you don’t already have a person in mind and start negotiating!

To cheer with that channel’s unique cheermote, it’ll be that channel’s emote prefix with Cheer. So for Lowco2525, it would be lowcoCheer # (or lowcocheer #) in her channel, where # is the number of bits you’d like to give. If you do come across any bugs or issues, please send a letter to [email protected] so they can sort it out.

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