Consulting with CaptainDylan

Twitch Partner
  • 50 minutes
  • $70

CaptainDylan is a Twitch Partner and YouTube creator with a passion for people and helping others grow and succeed. Having achieved Partnership in just under a year and a half of streaming, he knows what it takes to quickly build and grow a community, while establishing a culture for your channel that viewers want to be a part of. With experience as both a partnered Twitch broadcaster as well as a content manager, Dylan can offer you advice and insight that will help you seize any opportunity in front of you and maximize your moment as a streamer.

  • Twitch
  • YouTube
  • Video Editing
  • Community Building
  • Networking
  • Branding
  • Game Selection
  • Sponsorships
  • Charity

Consulting with CaptainDylan

$70.00 50 minutes

Categories: ,


CaptainDylan is a Twitch Partner and YouTube creator with a passion for people and helping others grow and succeed. Having achieved Partnership in just under a year and a half of streaming, he knows what it takes to quickly build and grow a community, while establishing a culture for your channel that viewers want to be a part of. With experience as both a partnered Twitch broadcaster as well as a content manager, Dylan can offer you advice and insight that will help you seize any opportunity in front of you and maximize your moment as a streamer.

What CaptainDylan's Clients Are Saying

“10/10 Would get coaching again!

Even at 5+ yrs into this business, it never hurts to get fresh eyeballs, or just a kick in the pants.

Overall CaptainDylan was very knowledgeable, professional, and relatable for me. It felt so good just to talk business with someone who knows what the business entails, and the challenges that go along with it.

I personally prefer the one-on-one sessions. I want to cut through the usual how-to’s, and surgically get to the heart of my own struggles. I found it well worth the money to get actionable, tailored information.”

MeeMawTGG Twitch Affiliate

“Dylan has helped me so much throughout my Twitch journey, always giving me kind words of encouragement. A new expansion of the game I stream was coming out and he told me that it would be my time to shine and this has led me to apply for the first time for Twitch partnership and I am now a Twitch Partner!! It’s an honor to have Dylan as a friend, mentor, and someone I look up to.”

TheKymeri Twitch Partner

“When I first met Dylan, he was an inspiration. Great streamer with a positive attitude, solid schedule, and amazing community. He reached out to me in dm’s and basically took me under his wing. From general advice to assisting with planning small events, Dylan was there to boost my content and my confidence. He offered advice on how to grow outside of Twitch, asked thought provoking questions about my direction as a creator, and reminded me that every streamer grows at their own pace with their own unique content.”

When it comes to moderators, I can remember talking to Dylan about finding more moderators for my stream. I was growing at a faster rate than I predicted and I needed more help than one or two friends. Dylan offered advice on how to find moderators within my own community and how to set up a form to get general information/availability. It’s been 5 months since he gave that advice, and I’m still using it today. I used that very same form to find more moderators this month to assist and continue to grow my stream.

When I first started out as a streamer, I didn’t recognize opportunities when I saw or thought of them. I happened to run an idea by Dylan for a women’s tournament, and he pushed me to host it. He recognized that the tournament could be the key factor in jump starting my career as a streamer and he was right. That tournament became my key to exposure and growth. Dylan pushed me to plan and host a tournament in less than 2 weeks, provided an artist for graphic art to promote it, and supported me throughout the entire process.”

Last_Phantom Esports Event Coordinator